With our raid on Monday, June 10th, Dragonflight raiding has officially concluded.
It has been a long journey from our first pull in Vault of the Incarnates and perhaps fittingly we wrapped raiding for this expansion by revisiting the Vault to attain the Glory of the Vault Raider achievement that we missed back in 2022.

Since then we have finished both Aberrus and Amirdrassil on both Normal and Heroic difficulty. Thank you to all the Seekers who have participated. I am a little sad that we have “lost” so many of you on the way but, as is perhaps usual by now, that is natural over the life span of an expansion. I hope that the start of the World Soul Saga will see most of you, if not all, return to share the next chapter in this adventure.
Nevertheless, it has been a pleasure raiding and M+ing with you all and I am grateful for the dedication and effort you all put into this shared adventure.
Thanks again for the fun and I look forward to the exploring the War Within with you all.