The Sanctum of Domination Dominated (ahem)!

Quick post to announce the conclusion of Sanctum of Domination raiding.

Monday, January 17th was our last raid for this Tier and we finished in style by defeating Sylvanas for our Sanctum AotC with 16 minutes to spare.

Is she really dead?

Well done everyone and congratulations to you all on a very well earned Ahead of the Curve! Sanctum has been a hard Raid Tier for us and particularly Sylvanas was very challenging. Thanks to you all for sticking it out to the very end. I appreciate the dedication and effort. Sorry that there was no time for the usual end of Tier bonuses.

We began Sanctum of Domination all the way back in July 2021 and with the Eternity’s End patch hopefully due sometime Feb/March it is time to bring raiding to a close and take a well deserved break before we hit Sepulcher of the First Ones.

Enjoy the raid break. See you all for Tier 28!