World of Warcraft: Dragonflight

World of Warcraft: Dragonflight, the next expansion has been announced.

The highlights of what has been revealed at this early stage includes:

  • The Dragon Isles and a new level cap of 70.
  • Dracthyr Evoker race/class combo.
  • Dragonriding, an all-new method of aerial movement.
  • New Talent System
  • New Profession System
  • New fully updated and customizable UI system

I am sure there will be more to come and further details as work on the expansion progresses.

The official page and beta sign up can be found here.

Lost Ark

The Storm Seekers have joined the adventurers of Arkesia to search for The Ark. We have made our home on Sceptrum. See the forums for more information.

For 500 years Arkesia and its people have enjoyed peace. They have forgotten the war between gods and demons that tore their world apart. They forgot that all of the light was once stolen, and darkness threatened to overcome all. They think The Ark is a legend, a fairy tale. But with darkness poised to return, it’s the only hope they have.

Explore seven continents, hundreds of islands, and all the seas between them. Engage with interesting and varied cultures, befriend or battle magnificent beasts, and dive into immersive lore. Choose from diverse advanced classes to customize your fighting style as you battle demon legions, colossal bosses, and more in your search for The Ark.


Steam Group founded!

The Order is, since yesterday, represented as a Steam Community.

If you like to meet and probably team up for based games, then visit our profile and be very welcome to join under:

Seizing the Sepulcher

Our assault on the Sepulcher of the First Ones will begin on Sunday, March 6th! 🙂

For the start of Normal raiding the minimum ilevel will be 235. There will be one reset between Patch 9.2 going live and the raid opening so use the time before the patch and the first week wisely to gear up if you are below this ilevel.

I hope you have all had a good raid break and I look forward to starting Tier 28 together with renewed energy.

Eternity’s End Live on February 23rd

Patch 9.2 Eternity’s End will be released on February 23rd!

Explore Zereth Mortis and the new Sepulcher of the First Ones raid.

  • New Progression System – Cypher of the First Ones
  • New Torghast Wing – Jailer’s Gauntlet
  • Return of Class Tier Sets, obtainable from multiple sources
  • Equip Double Legendaries – One Covenant, One Normal
  • Solo Shuffle – New PvP Brawl to test Arena Solo Queue
  • New pets, mounts, toys, transmog sets, and secrets
  • New Sub-Profession – Proform Synthesis

The Jailer has breached the Sepulcher, the mysterious heart of the Shadowlands. Should he control its primordial power, he will reshape the cosmos with Death at the fore. As Zovaal prepares to dominate reality, champions of Azeroth charge forth to stop him. Will their resolve outmatch his?

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