Stratholme Undead Side raided by OSS

The undead infested bastion of Stratholme was cleaned and Baron Rivendare was defeated by OSS today.
The Taskforce which was excellently led by Grimmli consisted of Fleah, Skrichan, Kherber, Giulja, Dirkmekk, Palaimon, Sheena, Filaskoras and Agoran. Many set-items dropped – grats to their new owners.

Another Step towards defeating Onyxia

Kherber, Giulja, Palaimon, Sheena and Agoran freed Marshall Windsor and revealed the conspiracy concerning Onyxia.

Grats to 60 Rowena

May your arrows fly swift and the claws of your pet always be sharp.

Sunken Temple

The Sunken Temple of Atal’Hakkar was cleaned up not once but two times this weekend by OSS. The successful groups:

  • Giulja, Banaa, Lilith, Conny, and Rowena
  • Kherber, Skrichan, Jiriki, Unerdil and Dirkmekk
  • You were Rakh’likh Demon

    Rakh’likh, the demon in the Blasted Lands has been put to rest by Agoran, Atritas and Filaskoras with the help of Fearfulonyx and Hyperion, thanks for additional DPS and superb heals.

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