Welcome Luthy

Luthy has been with us for some time and during that time, we got to know her as a friendly, helpful, cheerful, not easily discouraged and skilled person and player whom we really enjoy to have in our midst.

So the only logical conclusion was to end her days as initiate and welcome her as member of the Order of the Storm Seekers.

After carefully reading the core principals and the structure of the order, she chose the Hammers as her division and will support the Warlord and the Warcaptains in their effort to lead the Order to strength and honor.


New Warcaptain

New Warcaptain

The position was vacant for quite some time, the search restless but in the end fruitful. A new Warcaptain was found in the person of Bipp aka. Arielle who more than once has proven to be

  • a joyful and friendly person whose company we enjoy
  • a skilled player, who really masters his classes
  • a patient and systematic raidleader
  • and thus is the best choice for the job.
    Congratulations and keep up the good work!

    Rhok’Delar, Longbow of the Ancient Keeper for Kherber

    A truly epic reward for an epic quest – looting 2 Epics was luck, but defeating the 4 vile demons without anyone directly helping shows skill, patience and tenacity. Too bad it’s not a gun 🙂

    Congratulations Ecclesiastes

    Ecclesiastes finally reached level 60 with his warrior and now is a “grown up” 🙂 We hope to see you on our raids!

    Congratulations Snowmoon

    Although I don’t know exactly when Snowmoon reached level 60 with her druid, our congratulations are in order nevertheless.

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