Epic Flightform for Lillyth

Congratulations go to Lillyth for completing her quest to obtain the Epic Druid Flightform – truly an acchievment! Well done.

Honorific for Kharon

It has always been a tradition of the Order to honor those, who acchieve outstanding victories, chart new lands, discover strange new artifacts or, simply put, do “more” than just be part of it.

Following this tradition, it’s a fitting first task as a new Maester, a privilege and a personal pleasure, to present the honorific title of “Dorf Diplomat” to Kharon, as a sign of appreciation and gratitude for his life-long work in inter- and intra-guild-diplomacy, which is not an easy task, especially not for a dorf *gg*.


Thank you Kharon

… for giving so much to the guild.

We are very sorry to loose a skilled council member, but we all understand that you want to spend more time with your family and will be occupied a big deal with your house. Thankfully will not loose you as a Seeker though as you stay a Grail Keeper, one of those who’s representative you have been for so long.

Svan and myself will do the best we can to continue your work in your spirit but we won’t be able to outright follow in your footsteps – they’re big – even for a Dwarf!
/salute Kharon

Banaá in full Vestments of the Virtuous

The questline is long, difficult, expensive, at some times frustrating and demanding. Upgrading from Tier 0 to Tier 0.5 is nothing that is done easily and quick.

Doing it nevertheless shows dedication and this dedication has to be honored.

Banaá fought brave against Wolves, Ghosts, Undead, Baron Rivendare, Orks, Ogres and finally faced Lord Valthalak to turn in his Vestments of the Devout for the Vestments of the Virtuous.

Congratulations to your achievement!

Congratulations Phaedria

… for hitting Level 60. In true Seeker spirit Phaedria spent his time exploring the dangerous places of the world and the social habbits of its inhabitants while at the same time learning what is necessary to survive in the harsh lands of Azeroth, Lorderon and Kalimdor. We’re looking forward to raiding with you and to show you more places you haven’t been to.


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