Aluriel (H) down!

As promised we came back today and killed Aluriel (H) in true seekers-style: with both tanks down and the boss quite a few seconds into her enrage…

Waiting for the tomb…

… and whilst waiting we started with Nighthold Heroic tonight. Scorpyron, Chrono and Trilliax fell to our blades rather quickly. Aluriel made a clear statement though.

We’ll be back!

Upcoming Change to Legionfall War Supplies

Originally Posted by Blizzard (Blue Tracker / Official Forums)

One of the core mechanics of Broken Shore gameplay is that of acquiring Legionfall War Supplies to put towards constructing buildings, which in turn unlock various content and bonuses. Recently, we’ve begun to notice that some players have begun stockpiling their Legionfall War Supplies in order to use them at a later time. While this is fine to some degree, if it were to become a more widespread behavior, it could have severely negative effects on the rate at which buildings are constructed, thereby preventing those bonuses and content pieces from being made available.

Therefore, on Thursday, April 6 at roughly 8 PM CEST, we’ll be applying a hotfix that will reduce the maximum amount of Legionfall War Supplies a player can stockpile to 1000. This will ensure that building construction can proceed at a regular pace, while still allowing you to keep hold of several turn-ins worth of War Supplies if you like.

Note that, when this hotfix is applied, any Legionfall War Supplies you have over the cap of 1000 will be lost. If you’re currently carrying more than that, please make sure to turn those extra War Supplies in before Thursday.


The Darkmoon Faire is in town and it Whee!’s us through the rep-grinding in the Broken Shore! 

So before you head down there to do some WQs consider giving the carousel a ride for a few moments: Whee!

Patch 7.2 Release Cycle

This is what Blizzard had to say about the when Patch 7.2 content will be released.

We’ve seen some confusion around the availability and timing of various aspects of the 7.2 patch, and we’d like to clarify our plans for releasing the remaining pieces of Patch 7.2’s content:

  • Week 2 (next week): Legion Assaults begin, first PvP Brawl becomes available

  • Week 3: Chapter 5 of the Class Order Hall campaign unlocks, which activates new followers, new Order Hall upgrades, and class-specific World Quests

  • Week 4-11: Ongoing story pieces unlock, leading up to the eventual opening of the Tomb of Sargeras raid, and the ability to earn Class Mounts

That would appear to indicate that The Tomb of Sargeras raid looks set to open around mid June.

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