Maiden kept throwing her balls towards us but still we finished her!
Due to unforseen circumstances we will try to move Sunday’s raid to Saturday. To give us some extra time we will also start one hour early, so at 19:30. Monday is cancelled.
So in other words this week we will try to raid on Saturday July 1st, starting at 19:30 server time. Spread the word!
… and two more bosses went down: the “Sisters of the Moon” and “The Desolate Host” had to resign from duty!
… ended with 4 Boss kills!
Mistress Sassz’ine
Demonic Inquisition
all went down!
The Tomb of Sargeras raid opens on June 20th and we will commence our TOS campaign on June 25th.
Please continue to send herbs and bacon to our crafters. It would be nice to start with a small stockpile of supplies. Other than that, enjoy the time off before we start.