Time to return for a fresh look at the Vault of the Incarnates, Aberrus, the Shadowed Crucible and Amirdrassil, the Dream’s Hope! 🙂
Dragonflight Season 4 Awakened will begin on April 24th and my plan is to begin in the first Awakened raid, presumably Vault, on Monday, April 29th!
This will most likely be a shorter raid season than usual since fundamentally the aim is simply to return to each of the Awakened raids of this expansion to get us our Voyaging Wilderling Mount. This only requires Normal difficulty and at this stage of the expansion I’m not sure I see the need for us to push Heroic again for Season 4.
For the start of Season 4 raiding the minimum ilevel will be 470. If you are considering switching main make sure that you meet the minium ilevel and are otherwise prepared.
I look forward to seeing you all for this last flourish of Dragonflight raiding. 😀
Have an opinion? Share it with us!