Author: Bipp Page 9 of 11

Shadowlands Official Release on November 24th!

World of Warcraft Shadowlands will launch at 12:00am (CET) on November 24th!

(Edit 29/11: Release is back on!)

Announcement here.

The official release date trailer can be found here.

Looking forward to seeing everyone for our 8th expansion. 🙂

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Seekers

Thanks for 2019 and hope you all have a great holiday!

World of Warcraft Shadowlands

Shadowlands Logo

Next World of Warcraft expansion revealed. World of Warcraft Shadowlands.

Brave The Beyond

The veil between life and death is no more.

With a single act of destruction, Sylvanas Windrunner has ripped open the way to the afterlife. Azeroth’s staunchest defenders have been dragged into all-consuming darkness. An ancient force of death threatens to break its bonds and unravel reality.


Tons of information on Wowhead and MMO Champion.

Sounds promising so far.

Breaching the Uldir quartantine zone!

I am pleased to announce that I hope to start Battle for Azeroth raiding on Sunday, September 16th. 😀

Millennia ago, seeking to understand the nature of their eternal foe, the titans constructed this sprawling underground facility to research and quarantine captured specimens. They hoped that by studying the void energy that bound the Old Gods, probing it for weaknesses and reactions, they could find some way to neutralize it. They were horribly, horribly wrong. The facility was sealed away so that the horrors within would never be unleashed upon Azeroth. But now those seals have broken…

I hope that I can count on you all to bring the same positive spirit, good humour and patience as in previous years.

Please see the forum for the post in full and further information.

Battle For Azeroth Call to Arms!


Quick call out to all Seekers that the latest WOW expansion begins on Wednesday!

So, if you’ve been thinking of having a look at WOW again now is the perfect time to rejoin your fellow Seekers. 🙂

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