Antorus raiding begins on Sunday, December 3rd!
Please prepare with feasts and potions or mats for our crafters.
As is customary, there will also be no raiding on Sunday, Nov 26th and Monday, Nov 27th. Enjoy the mini raid break.
Antorus raiding begins on Sunday, December 3rd!
Please prepare with feasts and potions or mats for our crafters.
As is customary, there will also be no raiding on Sunday, Nov 26th and Monday, Nov 27th. Enjoy the mini raid break.
World of Warcraft Battle for Azeroth announced.
Week 2 of Shadows of Argus is starting tomorrow. This includes the next part of the Argus storyline and Invasions (
If you haven’t travelled to Argus yet please find the time to do so. Accessing Invasions might also require unlocking the story quests? Eitrher way, neither takes very long and it would be sad if anyone is unable to join a Greater Invasion Point.
Here we go again!
Unlock schedule for 7.3 content.
Due to unforseen circumstances we will try to move Sunday’s raid to Saturday. To give us some extra time we will also start one hour early, so at 19:30. Monday is cancelled.
So in other words this week we will try to raid on Saturday July 1st, starting at 19:30 server time. Spread the word!
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